Espresso Agent Blog
Your Real Estate Lead Generation Resource

A HOT Lead Generation Strategy

In today’s post we want to discuss a real estate lead generation strategy that some top producing agents use with great success. It’s an idea that requires a minimal investment of your time, but one that can pay huge dividends if you stick to the strategy. 15 MINUTE HOT SOMEBODIES Perhaps you’ve heard of this…

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Real Estate Lead Generation Strategies

real estate lead generation

If you follow this blog you know that we are dogged in our belief that best path for long-term financial success in real estate is to be a listing agent. In general, listing agents earn more money, and tend to work fewer hours than buyer’s agents (this is especially important if you love your weekends!).…

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How To Optimize Your Real Estate Website For Lead Generation?

Real estate websites must be optimized for lead generation in order to maximize the success of a business’s online presence. With an effective website, businesses can increase their customer reach and engagement with potential customers. Through optimizing a real estate website for lead generation, businesses will have access to new leads and the ability to…

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Real Estate Prospecting Strategies

real estate prospecting

Those of us in the real estate profession have chosen the field for differing reasons. Some of us love the hyper-competitive nature of our industry. Some entered real estate because they were drawn to the idea of helping others who are making major life decisions, of which buying or selling a home are at the…

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Start 2023 STRONG on New Year’s Day

This is your year

We hope you’ve had a great 2022, and are ready for immense success in the coming year. Whether you’re a seasoned real estate veteran or relatively new to the business, you are aware that one of, if not THE best sources of short-term revenue is prospecting expired listings. And if you understand the value of…

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Real Estate Cold Calling Strategies 

Realistic goals for new real estate agents

According to Investopedia, cold calling: Is a sales practice in which individuals are contacted who have not previously expressed interest in a product or service. Generally, has a low success rate. A 2020 LinkedIn report helps put some interesting context around the “failure” rate of cold calling. The report said: About 69% of prospects accepted…

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Generating Leads over the Phone

Trendy businesswoman smiling on phone at modern desk

In today’s guest post, Mike and Mary Pallin of The Floyd Wickman Team share their insights on how to master phone prospecting as a way to generate leads and control your income. If you develop the skill of effectively generating leads via telephone, you can control your income.  If you want to generate more income,…

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Real Estate Prospecting Starts with Mindset

Woman smiling

One of the biggest challenges for any real estate agent is rising above the fears and insecurities that come with lead generation and prospecting. That’s why we’ve devoted a lot of space in this blog to working on your mental game. For example, dealing with objections and handling call reluctance are two themes we’ve written…

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Business Planning Real Estate 2023

business plan graphic with documents

We’re now in the first week of Q4, and thought this is the perfect time to look ahead, and consider your business plan for 2023. But before we get to 2023, STOP!! If you’re like many real estate agents, you might put yourself into “cruise control” as you enter this final quarter. After all, you…

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Real Estate Value Proposition in 3 Steps

Real estate agent showing family a possible new home

Do you know your real estate value proposition? If you don’t, or you’re not sure, this post will provide you with the necessary tips to bring your value proposition to life, and energize your business. WHAT IS A REAL ESTATE VALUE PROPOSITION Simply put, a real estate value proposition is a statement that helps prospective…

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Think Production for Real Estate Success

real estate agent in blue looking at camera

Regardless of how long you’ve been in the real estate business, you’ve probably heard the term “production” thrown around. Real estate production is all about the time, energy, and focus you put toward your business goals. Production-focused real estate agents do not wait for business to come to them. Instead, they are proactive, using an…

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Real Estate Lead Generation is About Mindset

Businessman looking at computer pensive

As we often discuss in this blog, real estate lead generation is the key to success in our industry. But real estate lead generation, even for the top performing agents, is not a natural process. Prospecting requires commitment, dedication and, above all, focus. If you don’t have the right mindset when you start your lead…

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Great Questions are the Key to Successful Follow-Up

Question mark graphic

Perhaps you’ve heard this stat regarding real estate prospecting: more than 70% of real estate listings happen after the first contact. In that post, we discussed the importance of dedicated, persistent follow-up until you secure that listing presentation. And for many, the key to successful follow-up is knowing how to ask the right questions, WHY…

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Tips to Help You Be a Power Closer!

Businessman sitting on side of building above the city graphic

Your prospecting efforts have paid off with a listing presentation. Your listing presentation looks great, covering the essentials clearly and concisely. And the prospect seems to be engaged in what you have to say. The question now is: are you ready to close? For many agents, making the close can be challenging because they don’t…

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How To Find a Pre-Foreclosure Home

Pre Foreclosure form

Many top-performing real estate agents have had success in moving homes that were on the brink of foreclosure. The challenge, of course, is knowing how to find a pre-foreclosure home. It’s important to remember that homeowners whose properties have been identified as Pre-Foreclosure may be open to selling their home in advance of actual foreclosure…

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