Espresso Agent Blog
Your Real Estate Lead Generation Resource

4 Tips to Diffuse a Negative Client

man holding happy and upset faces

Anger. Annoyance. Frustration. Cynicism. If you’re in sales long enough, you will likely experience any number of negative responses from clients. It comes with the territory. If you’re like many people, facing negative clients can be challenging and draining. And for a real estate agent, the ability to handle negative clients can be the difference…

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14 FSBO Objections Real Estate Agents May Face

woman at desk taking notes smiling on phone

Every real estate agent cringes at the thought of cold-calling — with good reason. No one likes to be continually rejected. FSBOs believe they have valid points as to why they should sell on their own and refrain from hiring a listing agent.  With their limited view of what a professional real estate agent can…

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NEW Real Estate Agent Goals

Customer service agent wearing headset smiling

If you’re new to real estate, congratulations on making the leap. You’re in an industry that offers you the opportunity to earn a tremendous amount of money. At the same time, you can enjoy the independence of working for yourself. But you also need to be realistic. Real estate is a very difficult business. The…

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7 Tips to Build a Production Mindset

knob moving to express success

Top-performing real estate agents know that they are in the “production business.” What do we mean by production? It’s simple: production refers to any and all activities that can be tied to building greater revenue. So, production-focused (obsessed?) real estate agents are constantly involved in: Lead generation Lead follow up Pre-qualifying Roleplay/practice Handling objections Production-driven…

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Nurture Your Sphere of Influence with These Tips

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Most successful, prospecting-driven real estate agents know the importance of building and maintaining their sphere of influence (SOI). While your SOI may not represent the same level of immediacy or urgency as expired listings or FSBOs, it does represent a solid foundation for future revenue opportunities. Your SOI is essentially anybody with whom you have…

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A FSBO Refresher

FSBO sign blue sky

For Sale by Owner listings continue to be an excellent source of revenue for agents. Today we’ll take a look at FSBO strategy from two angles. First, how experienced agents look at FSBOs. And second, how new agents should approach FSBOs. EXPERIENCED AGENTS AND FSBOs Experienced pros understand that FSBOs are motivated to sell, yet…

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Close Strong With These Strategies

Are you a Power Closer image woman leaning against wall

Your prospecting efforts have paid off with a listing presentation. Your listing presentation looks great, covering the essentials in a clear, concise manner. And the prospect seems to be engaged in what you have to say. The question now is: are you ready to close? For many agents, making the close can be a challenge…

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9 Tips for Maximum Productivity

Work hard dream big

Top-performing real estate agents typically spend about 70% of their time on production-focused activities, most notably: new business prospecting, lead follow-up to secure appointments, and listing presentations. The remainder of their time is devoted to administrative activities, managing teams, and problem-solving. To be successful in real estate, you need to be committed to improving your…

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Embrace Change With These 10 Tips

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We all know it: change is difficult! It’s much easier to stick with the familiar and comfortable than to put ourselves out there and risk taking a chance at something new. Human beings are hard-wired for safety. This predilection for staying safe might explain why less than 5% of real estate agents across the country…

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Here’s Why You Need an Accountability Partner

working up a hill together

Regular readers of this blog know that we tend to pound away at some basic tenets for success in real estate, including: Importance of phone prospecting on a regularly-scheduled basis (i.e. daily). Investing in yourself; for example, using a lead gen/CRM software system such as Espresso Agent Embrace the value of paid coaching advice Another…

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Be Fanatical about Follow-Up

woman working on computer with headset on

Here’s a fact worth remembering: MORE BUSINESS IS LOST from a lack of lead follow-up, than from a lack of prospecting? Yes, top-performing real estate agents get between 70-80% of their listing appointments as a result of their persistent follow-up efforts. Here’s what’s really amazing: about half of all agents don’t even follow up with…

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Overcoming the Reflex NO!

Woman with hand out to say no

Regardless of how long you’ve been in real estate, if you’re calling EXPIREDS, you’re likely familiar with the “reflex NO.” It makes sense, right? A property doesn’t sell, the listing expires and the homeowner is inundated with calls from real estate agents who sense a quick sell. So, the homeowner’s only defense is to just…

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7 Tips for Better Sales in 2022

couple signing a document looking happy

Happy New Year. Are you ready to make 2022 your best year EVER? Whether or not you met your goals in 2021 (and especially if you didn’t), this is the perfect time to take a deep breath, recalibrate and get your head in the 2022 game ahead. As with anything in life, the basics matter.…

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Here’s to your Health… and Success in 2022

Male & female working out on track smiling

The benefits of a regular exercise regimen are well documented, so we won’t use this space to rehash information and statistics you’ve probably heard a million times. But one thing’s for sure, regular exercise helps to keep your mind focused and energized; two qualities that are critical  to successful real estate prospecting. If you have…

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Remind Your Sphere That You’re Here

Woman on cellphone looking pleased

Some real estate agents chill out these final weeks of the year. Others turn up the heat knowing that there are deals to be had. In that regard, you might want to check out our post from last week: Here’s Why Your Best Year Ever Begins on January 1. Regardless of what category you fall…

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