Espresso Agent Blog
Your Real Estate Lead Generation Resource

How an Accountability Partner Can Skyrocket Your Real Estate Business

“Accountability breeds response-ability.” – Stephen Covey INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS The allure of going it alone. According to the NAR (National Association of Realtors), 87% of its members are independent contractors. To be classified as an independent contractor, the following must apply: An individual is free from direction and control applicable both under the contract for the…

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Nurture Your Sphere of Influence with These Tips

sphere causing ripple yellow

Most successful, prospecting-driven real estate agents know the importance of building and maintaining their sphere of influence (SOI). While your SOI may not represent the same level of immediacy or urgency as expired listings or FSBOs, it does represent a solid foundation for future revenue opportunities. Your SOI is essentially anybody with whom you have…

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Here’s Why You Need an Accountability Partner

working up a hill together

Regular readers of this blog know that we tend to pound away at some basic tenets for success in real estate, including: Importance of phone prospecting on a regularly-scheduled basis (i.e. daily). Investing in yourself; for example, using a lead gen/CRM software system such as Espresso Agent Embrace the value of paid coaching advice Another…

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Remind Your Sphere That You’re Here

Woman on cellphone looking pleased

Some real estate agents chill out these final weeks of the year. Others turn up the heat knowing that there are deals to be had. In that regard, you might want to check out our post from last week: Here’s Why Your Best Year Ever Begins on January 1. Regardless of what category you fall…

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Send a Summer Video Email With These Scripts

Using cellphone with defocused city lights

We’ve come a long way in a year. Last summer we were struggling with masking, social distancing, quarantines and pretty much an end to summer activities as we knew them. But this year, there is a collective sigh as we go about the business of “summer” again. This might be the perfect time to re-introduce…

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Should You Hire a Real Estate Coach?

Businesswoman's finger leading the way of tech graph

A common characteristic among top-performing real estate agents is their willingness to invest in a personal, real estate coach. Whether you’re new to the business or have been at real estate for quite some time, it’s worth considering the potential value of working with a coach. Yes, hiring a real estate coach can be an…

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Build and Leverage Your Sphere of Influence

Man standing in front of couple

Top performing real estate agents typically employ a blend of strategies to drive their business. Some rely heavily on working with expired listings, while others find gold in FSBOs. But nearly all successful agents understand the value of the database known as their sphere of influence (SOI). In the broadest sense, your SOI is comprised…

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Accountability Partners: 5 Point to Remember

man on computer looking happy

Top real estate performers typically adhere to some basic, time-tested strategies to drive maximum financial performance: Obsessively focus on phone prospecting on a regular basis Invest in leading-edge lead gen/CRM software, such as Espresso Agent Embrace the value of paid coaching advice Work with one or more accountability partners, often on a daily basis Today…

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Warm Connections During the Holidays

happy holiday cartoon card

Real estate agents have different approaches when it comes to end of the year business. Some turn up the heat on prospecting, while others pull back to enjoy the holiday season and prepare for the coming year. Regardless, this is a perfect time to connect with your Sphere of Influence. Last week, we posted Video…

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Video Email: Spread Holiday Cheer to your Sphere

woman in kitchen working on laptop

Our November 11th post, Successful Selling During the Holidays, highlighted the value of prospecting during November and December. Often considered a “down time” in the industry, we reviewed how it can be anything but down to agents who up their prospecting game during the holidays. And, of course, because of historically low interest rates, most…

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Successful Selling During the Holidays

Christmas time home with fireplace and dining room

Nobody wants to sell their home during the holidays! Whether you’ve been in real estate a few years or a few decades, you’ve surely had to contend with homeowners who push back on your prospecting efforts with this handy, little objection. Of course, the holiday season is unlike any other time of the year, which…

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The Power of TRUE Engagement

Woman smiling into headset

Social media is all about engagement-likes, shares, comments. Our social media value is based on the degree to which people interact with our content.  But how is engagement defined outside the realm of social media? In real estate, the only engagement that truly matters is that kind that happens between two people: talk. We are…

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Put a Face to a Name: Video Email Options for Real Estate Agents

man on computer looking happy

How many of us have said this in the past few weeks: “I wish I had been smart enough to buy stock in Zoom.” Indeed, COVID-19 and “shelter-in-place” has turned Zoom video conferencing into the must-have app of 2020. Families, businesses, social groups, support groups…practically everyone is “zooming” to stay connected.  Our new-found obsession with…

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Loving Monday: How to Start Your Week Off Right

Do it now notebook graphic

Many a song has been written about time managemeny and, in particular, how much we dislike Mondays. “Every other day of the week is fine, yeah  . . .  can’t trust that day,” sang the Mamas and the Papas in the 1960s, while the Bangles recorded “Manic Monday” in 1986 about the stress of starting…

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Get the Most Out of Your Next Networking Event

People standing in a modern building by large windows

The term ‘networking’ may conjure up queasy sensations of glad-handing used car salesmen, but it’s necessary for growing our pipeline and it doesn’t have to be unpleasant. In fact, networking events can – and should – be enjoyable, as they give you a chance to add to our pipeline and present your best self to…

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