Espresso Agent Blog
Your Real Estate Lead Generation Resource

A Healthier, More Successful 2021


We focus a lot of energy in this blog on sharing strategies to maximize your performance as a real estate agent. But there is, perhaps, no more important strategy for success than taking care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. In that spirit, we close 2020 with a few tips on how to live…

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6 Strategies for Starting the New Year STRONG!

Woman standing at chalk board getting encouraged

As the clock winds down on 2020, it’s time to review our performance for the year, and get our heads into 2021. None of us will soon forget the COVID-ravaged year of 2020. The pandemic disrupted our lives, personally and professionally. But, for many real estate agents, 2020 was a case study in resilience, and…

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Warm Connections During the Holidays

happy holiday cartoon card

Real estate agents have different approaches when it comes to end of the year business. Some turn up the heat on prospecting, while others pull back to enjoy the holiday season and prepare for the coming year. Regardless, this is a perfect time to connect with your Sphere of Influence. Last week, we posted Video…

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Video Email: Spread Holiday Cheer to your Sphere

woman in kitchen working on laptop

Our November 11th post, Successful Selling During the Holidays, highlighted the value of prospecting during November and December. Often considered a “down time” in the industry, we reviewed how it can be anything but down to agents who up their prospecting game during the holidays. And, of course, because of historically low interest rates, most…

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