Espresso Agent Blog
Your Real Estate Lead Generation Resource

The Ups and Downs of a Fluctuating Real Estate Market

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One of the earliest truisms in life we all learn is that what goes up must inevitably come down, and that includes real estate market fluctuations. Every boom is followed by bust, every bull market by a bearish one. It’s much easier to be successful when the market is riding high, so we suggest all…

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Getting Real With Your Clients

Mug being hit by sunlight

Honesty, sharing the brutal truth with clients, isn’t always easy. As real estate professionals, we typically think of ourselves as going above and beyond the minimum requirements to ensure our clients are satisfied, because without happy clients, we have no business. Then this tricky thing called honesty gets in the way. However, suppose that, in…

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Time Is On Your Side-If You Use It Effectively

Time for the next level red word on concept clock

Real estate professionals and jazz musicians appear to have little in common, but the great jazz trumpet player Miles Davis found synergy with his quote on time management: “Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing.” Davis was far from the only famous person with sage advice about the efficient use of time, and…

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Negotiating: The Path to Real Estate Success

Real estate agent holding keys and model home

For many agents – particularly those early in their careers – the thought of negotiating across the table with a customer or another agent causes hands to sweat and sleepless nights. One of the reasons is that we are afraid of failure, of not living up to the expectations we’ve set for ourselves. In this…

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