Espresso Agent Blog
Your Real Estate Lead Generation Resource

A Refresher Course in Time Management

Espresso machine pouring coffee in white cups

Some experts say time management is the ‘mother of all business skills.’ Knowing what items to prioritize and how to get the most amount of productive work into the workday cannot be underestimated. Yet many people feel constantly stressed and run late, the latter of which can be a deal killer in the real estate…

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Nobody Likes an Office Whiner

young boy at table with school books

We’ve all been there:  smack talking our boss with co-workers over a drink, rolling our eyes at high maintenance clients, or even complaining about the quality of office coffee. Call it venting if you will, but the old-school term for constant complaining in the workplace is whining. And much like eating too many doughnuts or…

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Lead Generation and the Power of Mindset

woman on laptop with a lead generation mindset

Lead generation excellence separates the good from the great real estate agents. In fact, it’s probably not a stretch to assume that the top 1% of the 1 million plus agents got there because of powerful lead generation habits. Espresso Agent has identified a number of intangibles that drive super agents: Great sellers exhibit high levels…

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