Espresso Agent Blog
Your Real Estate Lead Generation Resource

Think Production for Real Estate Success

real estate agent in blue looking at camera

Regardless of how long you’ve been in the real estate business, you’ve probably heard the term “production” thrown around. Real estate production is all about the time, energy, and focus you put toward your business goals. Production-focused real estate agents do not wait for business to come to them. Instead, they are proactive, using an…

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7 Tips to Build a Production Mindset

knob moving to express success

Top-performing real estate agents know that they are in the “production business.” What do we mean by production? It’s simple: production refers to any and all activities that can be tied to building greater revenue. So, production-focused (obsessed?) real estate agents are constantly involved in: Lead generation Lead follow up Pre-qualifying Roleplay/practice Handling objections Production-driven…

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Are You a Production-Focused Agent?

knob moving to express success

Generally speaking, high-performing real estate agents all tend to share a similar quality: they are PRODUCTION-FOCUSED! No matter how busy they might be with the details of the business (closings, previews, managing pendings, etc), they know they can’t afford to step away from production-based activities, such as: Lead generation Lead follow up Pre-qualifying Role play/practice…

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