Espresso Agent Blog
Your Real Estate Lead Generation Resource

Practice Resilience

Smiling Real Estate Agent with New Homeowners

Slumps happen! Even if you stick to your routine, and are finding success, you’re likely to hit a dry run. It’s the nature of sales; always has been and always will be. Some days, it seems like every prospecting call nails a listing. Then, without warning, you might go through a period when you’re wondering…

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10 Reasons to Start Your Morning with Exercise


A few weeks ago, we posted a mid-year business review checklist. In that same spirit, we thought this is the perfect time check-in on the state of your physical and mental health (which of course, are closely linked). A common characteristic shared by many top-performing real estate agents is an adherence to a strict morning…

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Send a Summer Video Email With These Scripts

Using cellphone with defocused city lights

We’ve come a long way in a year. Last summer we were struggling with masking, social distancing, quarantines and pretty much an end to summer activities as we knew them. But this year, there is a collective sigh as we go about the business of “summer” again. This might be the perfect time to re-introduce…

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