Espresso Agent Blog
Your Real Estate Lead Generation Resource

Add More Hours to your Day

business man relaxing in the open air

“There just aren’t enough hours in the day.” Surely, you’ve said this at some point, when deadlines were looming and your frustration was mounting. But the reality is, there are enough hours in the day. The problem might be you aren’t using your hours as efficiently as you could. According to a recent post on…

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Listing Presentation Pitfalls You’ll Want to Avoid

Woman standing in front of house

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of having your endless hours of phone calls payoff with a prospect agreeing to meet you for a listing presentation. Once you’ve made it to this stage, you can feel pretty confident that you’re a solid step closer to a transaction. And transactions are the name of the game.…

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It’s Time For Your Mid-Year Review

Businessman looking at a line between a to b painted on a wall

It’s the time of year when real estate agents look back on the first six months of the year. How well have you performed relative to your in-going business objectives? Have you stuck to your prospecting program? Are you on-track to meet your transaction goal? Have you maximized the power of your Espresso Agent CRM…

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Take A Sabbatical-You’ve Earned It

Strong confident woman.

Real estate is the domain of highly-driven, internally-motivated, often Type-A personalities. The most successful agents are powered by long-standing routines. Some rely on daily role-playing sessions with like-minded peers. Others stick to a schedule that has them on the phone during the same hours every day, prospecting expireds or FSBOs through their Espresso Agent CRM…

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