Espresso Agent Blog
Your Real Estate Lead Generation Resource

Write an Awesome Business Plan

Notebook with Tools and Notes about Project Management, concept

Yogi Berra, legend of Major League Baseball, catcher, coach, and manager for teams including the New York Yankees, New York Mets, and Houston Astros, was as famous for his mangling of words as skills on the diamond but hit the nail on the head when he said: “If you don’t know where you are going,…

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Thriving Amid the Chaos

Strong confident woman.

Nothing is more important to a successful career than keeping our eye on the prize and retaining focus. But in 2018, there are countless ways by which we can be easily distracted: smartphone apps, 24/7 cable news stations, the finger-in-the-electric socket that is politics, the ability to watch TV on our computers at all hours…

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Leveraging Social Media for More Leads

Phone face with apps

Let’s face it: Facebook is inescapable. Once a cutting-edge social network for the young and hip, it’s now considered a basic must-have for any business, with an estimated two billion monthly users. But, it’s not enough to simply have a page and to get ‘likes’ on it. For those in the real estate industry, Facebook…

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E-Mail Marketing: The Importance of Opt-In

Sending email graphic

Generating E-Mail Opt-Ins Spam. Once it evoked images of kitschy, canned, spiced ham, but we all know what it means now: unwanted emails that clog our boxes and force us to delete daily or spend time unsubscribing. Of course, you think your e-mail campaigns are compelling but not everyone whose address you acquire is going…

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