Versatile Selling: Working with Analyticals

Espresso Agent > Blog > Real Estate Lead Generation > Versatile Selling: Working with Analyticals
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In today’s post, we continue our series on Versatile Selling, pulling from the book of the same name published by Wilson Learning Library.

Last week, in Versatile Selling is About Adapting, we introduced the importance of identifying and understanding the various “social styles” we are likely to experience in our real estate prospecting efforts.  As we discussed, once you are able to assess the style of the person on the other end of the phone, or the other side of the coffee table, you’ll be able to adapt your message accordingly for maximum benefit.

Today, we begin the first of our deep dives into each of the social styles by taking a look at the ANALYTICAL style.


Those with an analytical approach to things tend to be deliberate and thoughtful, weighing all of the options. They tend to be well-organized, preferring efficient, business-like approaches when making decisions. They lean heavily on structure and factual evidence.

Let’s take a look at some of the characteristics that can help you define an analytical social style:

  • Verbal and non-verbal cues: Analyticals rely on few gestures and tend to be reserved in social settings. They are formal looking, with good posture and rely on proper speech. They are excellent listeners, but are deliberate in how they respond or maintain a conversation.
  • Work style: They like structured approaches to making decisions, but like to think of themselves as independent types.
  • Time: Analytical types are not likely to rush into anything, and take time to deal with matters in a logical, deliberate manner.
  • Attitudes about accomplishment: Interestingly, the analytical type values the process almost as much as the result when making decisions.
  • Relationships: It’s important for real estate agent to understand that relationships with analyticals take time to develop.
  • Work activity strengths: Above all, this social type is about planning and organization.
  • Motivators: The analytical social type wants to be respected for their technical expertise, and also for the process they use to make decisions.
  • Misperceptions: Don’t get pulled into the trap of looking at the analytical as someone who is boring, not fun and lacking in feelings.


Perhaps the best overall advice when working with analyticals is to “go easy.” They’re not looking for a best friend, so cordial should always trump chummy. Dial your passion back a few notches and let the relationship take its natural course. That said, let’s take a look at what an analytical type from your sales encounter:

  • Establish your credentials quickly: By this, we don’t mean talking about how great you are, but by using facts to show you are an expert.
  • Predictability: take an objective, task-oriented approach when working this type.
  • Be prepared: have your facts down pat. Know your numbers and don’t make errors. They will be more likely to respond to someone who comes across as an expert.
  • Use effective documentation: related to the previous point, when you share information (i.e. comps) make sure it is in a clear, easy to read, simple to understand format.
  • Stay focused: If you’re on a listing presentation, cut to the chase. Share only the most relevant information and, above all, don’t drone on about your experience.
  • Move deliberately: it’s important for you to keep the process moving at a good pace, but also, be sensitive to the fact that the analytical prospect may want time to ponder one or more details.


In considering how to work and adapt to an analytical personality, consider the following:

  • Ask solid, open ended questions: asking questions is to best way to establish rapport with an analytical because it keeps them talking, and allows them to establish their leadership or expertise.
  • Don’t interrupt: perhaps as important as asking questions is your ability to patiently listen to their answer. An analytical might drone on about something they find noteworthy; be patient and don’t interrupt them.
  • Be time-sensitive: An analytical might take more time to work through a decision than other types, so, again, learn patience and allow the process to unfold naturally.

In sum, remember that analytical social types are “ask and task” directed, who want to minimize risk. They value being experts, and, as such, expect you to come to the table well prepared, objective and focused on helping them achieve their goals. Be sure to be patient, organized, detailed and well-documented.

To learn more about Versatile Selling, CLICK HERE.

Doug Spak joined Espresso Agent as a Content Marketing Specialist in 2016. Doug brings nearly four decades of experience as a copywriter, blogger, and screenwriter to his role with Espresso. Since joining our team, Doug has actively updated website content, published more than 300 blogs, and created countless social media posts.

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